Sec. 1 The President shall be the chief executive officer of the SSG. He/She shall have the following duties:
a. Preside over all meetings and/or may designate another officer to preside for a specific meeting;
b. Enforce this Constitution, By-Laws and other regulations that may be promulgated;
c. Sign all official minutes, resolutions, correspondences, and other official papers of the SSG;
d. Represent the SSG in the School Governing Council and any official external or internal affairs/functions;
e. Head the Coordinating Council of the Campus Co-Curricular Organizations;
f. Implement SSG programs and projects;
g. Create Ad Hoc Committees, as the need arises, the Chairperson of which shall be appointed by the SSG President; and,
h. Perform such other functions inherent and incidental to his/her office.
Sec. 2 The Vice-President shall have the following duties:
a. Assist the President in all matters where his/her assistance is necessary;
b. Assume the Office of the President should the position become vacant;
c. Supervise members in planning and arranging meetings or programs of activities;
d. Head the Internal Affairs Committee and conceptualize programs and projects and plan activities with the Year Level Representative; and,
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 3 The Secretary shall have the following duties:
a. Keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedings of every meeting;
b. Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the SSG and make them accessible to the studentry;
c. Call and prepare all notices of SSG meetings;
d. Head of Student Government Secretariat; and,
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 4 The Treasurer shall have the following duties:
a. Keep financial records of the SSG;
b. Serve as the disbursing officer of all the SSG’s funds;
c. Prepare the annual budget of the SSG;
d. Prepare financial reports every month, after an activity, and at the end of term;
e. Formulate pertinent financial guidelines for the organization
f. Head the Finance Committee; and,
g. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 5 The Auditor shall have the following duties:
a. Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement of funds;
b. Audit all expenditures of the SSG funds;
c. Assist the Treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports;
d. Keep and update inventory of all the SSG’s property;
e. Act as the assistant head of the Finance Committee; and,
f. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 6 The Public Information Officer shall have the following duties:
a. Popularize the thrusts and objectives of the SSG;
b. Build and maintain a credible image of the SSG;
c. Take charge in the promotion of SSG projects and activities;
d. Head the Publicity Committee; and,
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 7 The Peace Officer shall have the following duties:
a. Help the presiding officer to maintain peace and order during meetings;
b. Act as disciplinary officer, if needed;
c. Maintain peace and order within the premises of the school;
d. Act as chief peace officer and over all Sergeant-at-Arms of subordinate organization and classes;
e. Chair the Students’ Welfare Committee and appoint its members; and,
f. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 8 The Year Level Chairperson/s shall have the following duties, apart from the duties enumerated in Section 9:
a. Represent his/her year level in all of the meetings of the SSG;
b. Serve as the grievance desk for their respective year level;
c. Conceptualize and implement programs and projects for their respective year level;
d. Assist in the effective implementation of the SSG’s programs and projects; and,
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
a. Preside over all meetings and/or may designate another officer to preside for a specific meeting;
b. Enforce this Constitution, By-Laws and other regulations that may be promulgated;
c. Sign all official minutes, resolutions, correspondences, and other official papers of the SSG;
d. Represent the SSG in the School Governing Council and any official external or internal affairs/functions;
e. Head the Coordinating Council of the Campus Co-Curricular Organizations;
f. Implement SSG programs and projects;
g. Create Ad Hoc Committees, as the need arises, the Chairperson of which shall be appointed by the SSG President; and,
h. Perform such other functions inherent and incidental to his/her office.
Sec. 2 The Vice-President shall have the following duties:
a. Assist the President in all matters where his/her assistance is necessary;
b. Assume the Office of the President should the position become vacant;
c. Supervise members in planning and arranging meetings or programs of activities;
d. Head the Internal Affairs Committee and conceptualize programs and projects and plan activities with the Year Level Representative; and,
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 3 The Secretary shall have the following duties:
a. Keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedings of every meeting;
b. Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the SSG and make them accessible to the studentry;
c. Call and prepare all notices of SSG meetings;
d. Head of Student Government Secretariat; and,
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 4 The Treasurer shall have the following duties:
a. Keep financial records of the SSG;
b. Serve as the disbursing officer of all the SSG’s funds;
c. Prepare the annual budget of the SSG;
d. Prepare financial reports every month, after an activity, and at the end of term;
e. Formulate pertinent financial guidelines for the organization
f. Head the Finance Committee; and,
g. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 5 The Auditor shall have the following duties:
a. Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement of funds;
b. Audit all expenditures of the SSG funds;
c. Assist the Treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports;
d. Keep and update inventory of all the SSG’s property;
e. Act as the assistant head of the Finance Committee; and,
f. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 6 The Public Information Officer shall have the following duties:
a. Popularize the thrusts and objectives of the SSG;
b. Build and maintain a credible image of the SSG;
c. Take charge in the promotion of SSG projects and activities;
d. Head the Publicity Committee; and,
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 7 The Peace Officer shall have the following duties:
a. Help the presiding officer to maintain peace and order during meetings;
b. Act as disciplinary officer, if needed;
c. Maintain peace and order within the premises of the school;
d. Act as chief peace officer and over all Sergeant-at-Arms of subordinate organization and classes;
e. Chair the Students’ Welfare Committee and appoint its members; and,
f. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.
Sec. 8 The Year Level Chairperson/s shall have the following duties, apart from the duties enumerated in Section 9:
a. Represent his/her year level in all of the meetings of the SSG;
b. Serve as the grievance desk for their respective year level;
c. Conceptualize and implement programs and projects for their respective year level;
d. Assist in the effective implementation of the SSG’s programs and projects; and,
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.