Sec. 1 The officers of the SSG are the duty elected President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer, Peace Officer, Year Level Chairperson if applicable and the Year Level Representatives.
Sec. 2 The Year Level Representative/s shall be elected depending on the number of enrollees in the school pursuant to DECS Order No. 37, s. 2001.
Sec. 3 The Year Level Representative who shall get the highest number of votes among the elected Year Level Representatives in their respective year level shall serve as the Year Level Chairperson of the year level concerned.
Sec. 4 All SSG elections shall be conducted school wide every third and/or fourth week of February annually.
Sec. 5 Elections for the First Year Level Representative/s shall be conducted every 1st week of July annually.
Sec. 6 Campaign period shall not be more than five (5) school days prior to the SSG elections.
Sec. 7 Candidates for all SSG elective positions must be:
a. Bonafide Students;
b. Of good academic standing with a general average of 85 and above without any failing grade during the 3rd grading period of the current school year;
c. Of good moral character and have not been subject to any disciplinary sanction;
d. Resident of the school for at least one (1) academic year prior to the filing of the Certificate of Candidacy, except candidates for First Year Level Representative/s;
e. Considered resigned and ineligible from all elective or designated positions from clubs and organizations once elected.
Sec. 8 The officers of the SSG shall hold office from one academic year.
Sec. 2 The Year Level Representative/s shall be elected depending on the number of enrollees in the school pursuant to DECS Order No. 37, s. 2001.
Sec. 3 The Year Level Representative who shall get the highest number of votes among the elected Year Level Representatives in their respective year level shall serve as the Year Level Chairperson of the year level concerned.
Sec. 4 All SSG elections shall be conducted school wide every third and/or fourth week of February annually.
Sec. 5 Elections for the First Year Level Representative/s shall be conducted every 1st week of July annually.
Sec. 6 Campaign period shall not be more than five (5) school days prior to the SSG elections.
Sec. 7 Candidates for all SSG elective positions must be:
a. Bonafide Students;
b. Of good academic standing with a general average of 85 and above without any failing grade during the 3rd grading period of the current school year;
c. Of good moral character and have not been subject to any disciplinary sanction;
d. Resident of the school for at least one (1) academic year prior to the filing of the Certificate of Candidacy, except candidates for First Year Level Representative/s;
e. Considered resigned and ineligible from all elective or designated positions from clubs and organizations once elected.
Sec. 8 The officers of the SSG shall hold office from one academic year.